Dear Minutemen Friends,
As you know, Miracle Valley Bible College has very small and limited funds. We have done our best with the legal system, but the Appeals Court on February 12, 2008 decided against us and in favor of Cochise County.
We must now pay $9,655 fine within 30 days or a $50 per day late fee will be added until it is paid in full. The late fee accumulates into $1,500 per month.
In addition, Cochise County has also placed this fine against me personally. Friends, you that know my wife and I will know that we receive very little from the Bible College. In fact, everything we get, we put most of it back into the restoration of our campus.
We do not have these funds. We have spent all of our money on attorney and legal fees. We have even had to recently file Chapter 11 for reorganization in order to save the Bible College. And we are not out of the woods yet.
The Minuteman needed a unified place to meet as well as someplace where the Minutemen could come without costing them
"an arm and a leg."Cochise County initially gave us their approval, which at such time I contacted Mr. Jim Gilchrist and informed him that we had been given the "green light" from the county to proceed.
However, a few days later, the Planning & Zoning Dept changed their minds and denied the Bible College the right to permit the Minutemen to come.
As most of you know, I am a Christian and I always do my best to maintain my Christian integrity.
Once I was notified by the County that I was not permitted to allow you (the Minutemen) on our campus, I felt compelled by that I should hold to my convictions regarding what the Holy Bible says, and that is
"a man should always honor his word, even if it is to his own harm."Well, I have honored my word to the Minutemen and it has brought us great harm. We have incurred several thousands of dollars in legal fees, and are now faced with this large fine.
I really need your help. If you can do anything to help us, it would be greatly appreciated. If we are unable to pay this fine, it could very well put our Bible College totally out of operation.
Will you help us? Whatever amount you can donate would be greatly appreciated.
We will keep you informed on this web site as to exactly how much money the Minutemen have donated to help us toward this endeavor.
Please, don't forget those who have helped you. Especially when they are penalized by zoning departments for doing so.
Now whether you are a Christian or not is not the issue here. Whether you believe in God Almighty or the Holy Bible has God's divine Word is not the issue.
The issue is simply that a small, struggling Bible College went out of its way to help the Minutemen by providing lodging for them during their first venture of watching the US - Mexico border in April 2005. In doing so, the Bible College has suffered opposition and financial setbacks.
Please consider making a special donation today to help us. We are a 501(c)3 non-profit incorporation and your donation is tax deductable with the IRS.
You can make a donation by clicking the
DONATION BUTTON. You can put your donation on a credit card or your bank card.
Thank you and May God bless you,
Dr. Melvin E. Harter
President - Miracle Valley Bible College
9210 E Miracle Valley Loop
Miracle Valley, AZ 85615
(520) 366-1000