Monday, March 3, 2008

Cindy Lou - Original Minuteman

Come on folks....join me in helping make a MIRACLE at Miracle Valley!

Remember Miracle Valley (Bible College) in Sierra Vista, AZ?

Well folks, unless there's a MIRACLE, they may lose their property.

I know it's a bad time to be asking for money, with most of us helping the Hurricane victims and everything, but folks...come on and let's do something!

If everyone of the Minutemen that stayed there could send in just $5.00, (I know you paid money while you were there but just another $5.00 more wouldn't hurt you, would it?)

And what about those Minutemen and supporters that didn't get to experience the Bible College? If you could just send just $1.00 each, it would possibly help them to keep the Bible College.

Please contact Rev. Harter or pick up a card and just add a $5.00 bill or $1.00 and send it to Miracle Valley at the address below. Every little bit will help show Rev. Harter that we appreciate what he has done for us, and will possibly help make a Miracle at Miracle Valley.

If you were able to experience Miracle Valley (the Bible College) during April, and have also been to other missions at the border since April, then you know how convenient it was to have four walls, a bunk, showers and a Community center (not to mention the cafeteria) that was all within the same property.

It wasn't free, we paid to stay there but looking back at the entire picture and it was well worth the costs, wasn't it? Now, we should dig into our wallets again but this time it is for the survival of the Bible College.

If they don't get the help they need, the next time we go to Arizona we could most likely see nothing but empty property with cement foundations, where the buildings once stood. And that's a picture that I don't want to see.

Please consider joining me in sending in a small amount to the Harters to help them in keeping the Bible College.

They put their necks on the line to help the Minuteman Project and the Minutemen, and now because of high legal bills they've had to pay to fight the County (that was against us), they've gotten far behind.

If you know of a media source that is Minuteman friendly, please forward this email AND the contact info of Dr. Harter onto them and ask them to call him for an interview.

Let's all come together and send in just a dollar or five.

Cindy Lou'
(Original Minuteman, worked as gate Security at Bible College April, 1-30th.)

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